This is the house (star fruits) that Jack built (made)

00 Star fruit sculpture cast in Jesmonite AC100 with a larger scale than actual size

01 Number 1, I

02 Untitled

03* Euler's disk and star fruits in harmony with sliced silver tape

04* Mailboxes and marker pen: a singular combo with star fruits

05* Euler's disk and star fruits in harmony with sliced silver tape again

06 Untitled

07* Metallic charm: star fruits on an IKEA shelf with silver tape

08 Untitled

09 Untitled

10* The big picture, On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself

11* Functionality and style in perfect harmony

12 Untitled

13 Untitled

14 Permanent, it said

15 15

*title 03, 04, 05, 07, 10 and 11 cowrite with chat GPT open ai 

Input 1: 
create 16 titles, could be a sentence or a phrase, try to understand these words and the connection between or among them, the words: star fruit, star fruits, sliver tape, Euler's disk, white, Jesmonite AC100, airbrush acrylic, casting, a larger scale than its actual size, a metal IKEA shelf, a fuzzy background, Cannon lens cap, sliced silver star fruit, picture of mailboxes, maker, makers, marker pen

Output 1:
    1. "Fuzzy Background with Star Fruits and Sliced Silver Star Fruit"
    2. "The Art of Casting with Jesmonite AC100 and Star Fruits"
    3. "White as Snow: A Display of Star Fruits and Euler's Disk"
    4. "Bigger is Better: Jesmonite AC100 Casting on a Larger Scale"
    5. "Metallic Charm: Star Fruits on an IKEA Shelf with Silver Tape"
    6. "A Fuzzy Focal Point: Airbrush Acrylic and Marker on White"
    7. "The Beauty of Imperfection: Jesmonite AC100 Casting with Marker Accents"
    8. "Euler's Disk and Star Fruits in Harmony with Sliced Silver Tape"
    9. "From Lens Cap to Art: Creative Use of a Canon Lens Cap and Star Fruits"
    10. "Makers' Delight: Casting with Jesmonite AC100 and Airbrush Acrylic"
    11. "Mailboxes and Marker Pens: A Unique Combination with Star Fruits"
    12. "A Shimmering Display: Star Fruits on a Metal IKEA Shelf with Silver Tape"
    13. "Enchanting Display: Star Fruits in Jesmonite AC100 Casting"
    14. "The Perfect Pair: Sliced Silver Star Fruit and Euler's Disk on a White Background"
    15. "Art in Progress: Marker Pens and Jesmonite AC100 Casting with Star Fruits"
    16. "Intricate Details: Marker Accents on Jesmonite AC100 Cast Star Fruits"

Input 2:
Create 16 sentences or phrases, try to understand these words and the connection between or among them, the words: star fruit, star fruits, sliver tape, Euler's disk, white, Jesmonite AC100, airbrush acrylic, casting, a larger scale than its actual size, a metal IKEA shelf, a fuzzy background, Cannon lens cap, sliced silver star fruit, picture of mailboxes, maker, makers, marker pen

Output 2: 
    1. "Star Fruits in Fuzzy Background": A series of photographs featuring various star fruits against a fuzzy background.
    2. "Euler's Disk in White": A sculpture made of white Jesmonite AC100, shaped like a larger version of Euler's Disk.
    3. "Casting in Larger Scale": A collection of casts made using Jesmonite AC100 and 3D printed plastic, presented in a larger scale than their actual size.
    4. "Metallic Tape on Cannon Lens Cap": A unique customization of a Canon lens cap, with sliver tape wrapped around the edges.
    5. "Sliced Star Fruits on an IKEA Shelf": A still life photograph featuring sliced silver star fruits arranged on a metal IKEA shelf.
    6. "Airbrush Acrylic on Euler's Disk": A vibrant and colorful painting made with airbrush acrylic on a white Jesmonite AC100 sculpture of Euler's Disk.
    7. "Markers on Picture of Mailboxes": An abstract drawing made with a marker pen on a printed picture of mailboxes.
    8. "Unique Castings with Jesmonite AC100": A collection of castings made with Jesmonite AC100, showcasing unique textures and shapes.
    9. "Fuzzy Background in Monochrome": A black and white photograph of a star fruit against a fuzzy background.
    10. "Larger Than Life Star Fruit Sculpture": A sculpture made of Jesmonite AC100, modeled after a star fruit and presented in a larger scale than its actual size.
    11. "Shimmering Sliver Tape on Metal Shelf": A unique decoration made by wrapping sliver tape around a metal IKEA shelf.
    12. "Euler's Disk in Marker Pen": An abstract drawing made with a marker pen on a white Jesmonite AC100 sculpture of Euler's Disk.
    13. "Airbrush Acrylic on Star Fruits": A series of paintings made with airbrush acrylic on star fruits, showcasing their unique shapes and textures.
    14. "Casting in Multiple Scales": A collection of casts made with Jesmonite AC100 and 3D printed plastic, presented in various scales.
    15. "Abstract Mailboxes with Marker Pen": An abstract drawing made with a marker pen on a printed picture of mailboxes.
    16. "Sliced Star Fruits on White Background": A still life photograph featuring sliced silver star fruits arranged on a white surface, creating a unique and minimalist composition.

Input 3:
use less words

Output 3:
    1. Star fruit sculpture cast in Jesmonite AC100 with a larger scale than actual size
    2. Airbrushed acrylic star fruits on a fuzzy background
    3. Metal IKEA shelf marked with a Cannon lens cap and a black marker
    4. Sliced silver star fruit pictures on a background of mailboxes
    5. Euler's disk-inspired white sculpture with a sliver tape accent
    6. Marker pen sketches of star fruits on a fuzzy background
    7. Casted star fruits in Jesmonite AC100 on a metal IKEA shelf
    8. Larger scale than actual size star fruit sculpture made with 3D printed plastic
    9. Fuzzy background with airbrushed acrylic star fruits and a Cannon lens cap accent
    10. White sculpture with sliced silver star fruit accent and a marker pen sketch on a fuzzy background
    11. Jesmonite AC100 star fruit sculpture with an airbrushed acrylic finish
    12. Metal IKEA shelf adorned with sliced silver star fruit and a Cannon lens cap
    13. Fuzzy background with marker pen sketches of star fruits and a picture of mailboxes
    14. White sculpture with a sliver tape accent and a fuzzy background
    15. Airbrushed acrylic star fruits cast in Jesmonite AC100 on a larger scale than actual size
    16. Marker pen sketches of star fruits and a Cannon lens cap accent on a metal IKEA shelf

Input 4:
it doesn’t have to be long sentences, some of them could be short or even just one or two words

Output 4:
    1. Star fruit sculpture
    2. Sliver tape accent
    3. White Jesmonite casting
    4. Airbrush acrylic painting
    5. Larger scale sculpture
    6. Metal shelf display
    7. Fuzzy background canvas
    8. Cannon lens cap art
    9. Sliced silver star fruit decor
    10. Mailbox picture print
    11. Maker's marker art
    12. Elegant Euler's disk centerpiece
    13. Marker pen sketch
    14. Unique star fruit art
    15. Simplistic sliver tape design
    16. Cast Jesmonite sculpture.

Input 5:
some longer some shorter

Output 5:
    1. Star fruit slice cast in Jesmonite AC100 at a larger scale
    2. White airbrush acrylic on metal IKEA shelf
    3. Euler's disk picture with fuzzy background
    4. Sliced silver star fruit on Canon lens cap
    5. Mailboxes picture marked with marker pen
    6. Maker's mark on sliver tape
    7. Star fruits in airbrush acrylic casting
    8. Larger than actual size sculpture in Jesmonite AC100
    9. Marker pen drawing on metal IKEA shelf
    10. Cannon lens cap with silver star fruit slice
    11. Jesmonite AC100 casting of star fruit
    12. Fuzzy background picture of Euler's disk
    13. Marker pen on picture of mailboxes
    14. Airbrush acrylic on white sculpture
    15. Sliced star fruit cast in Jesmonite AC100
    16. Metal IKEA shelf with maker's marks

Input 6:
create about 10 sentences or phrases, think about star fruit and IKEA shelf when you are doing it, doesn’t have to include them, just make associations

Output 6:
    1. A minimalist display of geometric shapes.
    2. Natural textures and colors complement modern design.
    3. Simple materials, elevated presentation.
    4. Industrial chic meets organic aesthetic.
    5. Scandinavian influence with a tropical twist.
    6. Sleek lines and bold accents.
    7. Clean and streamlined with a touch of whimsy.
    8. Functionality and style in perfect harmony.
    9. The beauty of simplicity.
    10. Modern simplicity with a nod to nature.

Input 7:
do 10 more, same rules, use: mark, marks, mark pen

Output 7:
    1. The black marker marks the spot.
    2. The marks on the page tell a story.
    3. A single mark can make all the difference.
    4. The mark of excellence is hard to achieve.
    5. A mark on the wall revealed the culprit.
    6. The marker pen was almost out of ink.
    7. The marks on the tree showed the path.
    8. The permanent marker left a mark on the whiteboard.
    9. He marked his place in the book with a piece of paper.
    10. The mark of a true artist is their signature.

















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